Broken City Lab Office Hours on Tuesday were hugely productive. We completely finished getting all the resistors on the LED sign, measured out all the letters with flagging tape for the EC Row Project, organized some logistics for the planning stages of a couple other upcoming projects, and figured out the title for our upcoming …
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300′ of bright orange flagging tape, $5.97 + tax. It’s fairly thin, but should be really easy to work with. We might have to double it up to make it visible on the fence, that is, double the width of each letter. We should test at Lebel later this week, or maybe on Monday before …
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Below is a selective list of research, projects, workshops, installations, and interventions conducted by Broken City Lab with the most recent initiatives being at the top. This is just an overview, if you need more information, please see the blog archives or email us. CIVIC SPACE (2012-2014) CIVIC SPACE (Community Innovation through Vital Interactions & …
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BROKEN CITY LAB Broken City Lab is an interdisciplinary creative research group based in Windsor, Ontario that tactically disrupts and engages the city, its communities, and its infrastructures to reimagine the potential for action in a collapsing post-industrial city. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Cross-Border Communication is an interventionist performance series based on the desperate need to communicate …
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We got up early and headed down to the EC Row pedestrian overpass between the Dominion and Huron Church exits to install YOU ARE AMAZING! It’s hard to describe what it felt like to do this—taking on this project gave us all a genuine excitement about participating in changing a part of Windsor and the way …
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Today was a great start to the Making Things Happen (For a Week Straight) show. We got the gallery basically put together, showing some of our existing projects and making it into a big studio of sorts. The major projects of the day were painting the title wall, getting a new adapter for our LED …
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Broken City Lab Office Hours last night were hugely productive due, in no small part, to the many amazing people around the table last night. We completed a test with the flagging tape at Lebel (as you can see above) for the EC Row project and continued working on the LED sign. There’s lots of …
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We spent part of Monday afternoon doing a site visit for an upcoming project we’ve been planning for a while. The EC Row Walkway crosses over the 6 lanes of EC Row and is a pretty incredible view. We took some measurements and did a quick visibility test. We were only up there for about …
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There’s a long (actually, probably not very long) history of artists weaving things into fences. Minneapolis artist Eric Rieger (also known as HoTTea) works with miles of coloured yarn to create street art installations. He recently transformed this neglected tennis court into a giant multi-coloured arc structure. The project reminds me a bit of You are Amazing, an …
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