It was Monday night and Karlyn’s Birthday, so Hiba and Kevin brought a fun cake.
Other things happened as well, and strangely, or maybe expectedly, now that the semester’s done and since we didn’t meet at the very end of the week, we had a marathon five hour meeting. It was so great!!!
We had some things on the table to get through and get organized, so we got into smaller teams.
Hiba and Karlyn tackled the organization of finishing the first CAFKA test letter and started to price out the other materials we’ll need to complete the whole set. This is assuming we’re going with wood, which seems the most likely right now.
Kevin and Josh worked on some drawings for How to Forget the Border Completely portals.
Hiba’s notes. She’s heading out for a little while, so she left us with a list of “ingredients to create a letter.” ATTN BCL: Anyone up for pricing this out? It’s in the dropbox (ahhh, what a wonderful invention!)
We also looked this up — I had seen it a while ago, this retroreflective vinyl from 3M that some of the fine folks over at Eyebeam figure would work really well to brighten up bikes. Seems like it could do a fine job on huge letters as well.
Sara worked on a poster for our Border Etiquette Course (or whatever we’re calling it) along with the certificate of completion.
The poster … in progress!
Josh did some mad math to figure out how much of this magic vinyl we would need.
And, in the meantime, we ordered a small test roll. It seems promising and if it works as well as it seems to in the Bright Bikes project, it would be the best solution (other options are retroreflective conspicuity tape or glass beads).
Meanwhile, Hiba did some excellent research on retroreflective signs to do a better job at explaining exactly how this technology works.
Placing an order for the vinyl after triple checking my surface area math…
Hiba looking at the production schedule for CAFKA (and everything else we have going on in the fall).
Karlyn chuckling, I’m sure, at the amount of things we have to do in the fall after she leaves for Emily Carr!
Kevin’s sketches of cross-border portals on Ouellette.
And, an accesible version of the portal. These are soooo good! Can’t wait to see more.
We spent the last hour of the evening trying to figure out if we can / want to put in one more proposal for something that has us really curious, but wary about the timelines. It’s fun to have a problem like that.
How to Forget the Border Completely is generously supported by theĀ Ontario Arts Council.