This will be updated every few minutes automatically… might eventually move this to the sidebar… I’ll also put up the archives from the folder and the code to do this soon.
// show the 5 most recent files in a folder…
$dir = “/home/thelondo/public_html/brokencitylab/mike/_timelapse/timelapse-scaled/”;
chdir($dir );
$show = 1;
$files = glob( ‘*.{html,php,php4,txt,jpg}’, GLOB_BRACE );
usort( $files, create_function(‘$b, $a’, ‘return filemtime( $a ) – filemtime( $b );’) );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $show; ++$i )
echo “
$show = 15;
$files = glob( ‘*.{html,php,php4,txt,jpg}’, GLOB_BRACE );
usort( $files, create_function(‘$b, $a’, ‘return filemtime( $a ) – filemtime( $b );’) );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $show; ++$i )
echo “
all the photos look the same to me.
right now, it basically just watching the paint dry… photos are taken at 3 minute intervals, so it’s pretty boring right now… haha
lol, ok. i moved from black kettle bistro to the coffee exchange now. looks good so far
nice to be able to see the meeting going on. sorry i didn’t make it. having pancakes in bed right now. trying to rest this week.