Parking Tickets – Update


So, back to the old sly-as-can-be ticket dispensing! It was a beautiful day, so handing out parking tickets was more of a joy than a chore. I’ve been letting my intuition and somewhat-extensive automotive knowledge guide me in choosing the cars I feel are “fuel efficient.” This Toyota Corolla (pictured) averages about 7L/100km, whereas the Dodge Viper (your average over-achieving American sports car, pictured below), averages around 14L/100km. Thanks to all of you who don’t mind sacrificing speed for fuel efficiency!

DodgeThis is a prime example of someone who is more likely to receive a speeding ticket than a fuel-efficiency ticket.

4 Replies to “Parking Tickets – Update”

  1. Thanks Steve!
    So far, I’ve only made one version of the ticket, but I am very open to suggestions. I suppose these tickets could be given out to people who own or operate other forms of transportation, eh?

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