Mary Tremonte Prepping for Tonight’s Silkscreening Party

Mary Tremonte from Justseeds Artist Cooperative is here and getting ready for the Pre-May Day Parade Printing Party happening tonight at 7pm @ Civic Space (411 Pelissier Street, Windsor). Join us tonight as we print awesome labour-inspired images on bandanas, posters, and signs, which will be handed out after the May Day Parade tomorrow at 6:30pm @ Drouillard Park (1247 Drouillard Road).


April 30th @ 7:00PM (CIVIC SPACE)

Pre-May Day Parade Printing Party: bandanas, penants, and signs will be made for the May Day parade @ BCL Civic Space, 411 Pelissier

May 1st @ 6:30PM (Drouillard Park)

May Day Bandana, Penant, and Sign Distro: after parade @ Drouillard Park

May 10th @ 7:00PM (CIVIC SPACE)

Uprisings: Images of Labour: exhibition opening @ BCL Civic Space, 411 Pelissier

May 17th @ 7:00PM (CIVIC SPACE)

Justseeds Closing Event, w/ DJ Mary Mack @ BCL Civic Space, 411 Pelissier

Photography for Goods: A Skills for Good(s) Sharing Session


Last Friday, Mike DiRisio, University of Windsor MFA candidate and artist behind the pop-up free store project Common Goods, stopped by to run a workshop on the art of the perfect object photograph. He started with a handful of found objects and led us through the process of studio setup, photography, and editing. All of this was informed by the photographic work he did to showcase the objects donated to Common Goods.


Mike did a demonstration of objects that would be easy and difficult to retouch using his method in Photoshop. Because of the contrast between the radio and his white paper background, this example was the easiest.

Common Goods is a project that creates a forum for the free exchange and circulation of used goods – everything from books to sofas to ceramic owls. All items that come through the Common Goods pop-up free stores cease to be owned, however, and are redesignated as common property (meaning not the possession of a single individual).

The drop off location is in the Lebel Building at the University of Windsor (click here for map and instructions).

You can also email Mike to arrange a pick-up time.

Justseeds Artist Cooperative in Residence for Mayworks 2013

Justseeds Posters

Prints by Shaun Slifer of Justseeds Cooperative

Broken City Lab presents: Justseeds Artist Cooperative in Residence for Mayworks 2013

April 30th – May 17th, 2013 at CIVIC SPACE (411 Pelissier Street, Windsor, Ontario) and Drouillard Park (1247 Drouillard Road, Windsor, Ontario)

Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative is a decentralized network of 24 artists committed to making print and design work that reflects a radical social, environmental, and political stance. With members working from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, Justseeds operates both as a unified collaboration of similarly minded printmakers and as a loose collection of creative individuals with unique viewpoints and working methods. They believe in the transformative power of personal expression in concert with collective action. To this end, they produce collective portfolios, contribute graphics to grassroots struggles for justice, work collaboratively both in- and outside the co-op, build large sculptural installations in galleries, and wheatpaste on the streets – all while offering each other daily support as allies and friends.

Members of Justseeds will be coming to Civic Space to host a series of labour-inspired events and an exhibition titled Uprisings: Images of Labour.


April 30th @ 7:00PM (CIVIC SPACE)

Pre-May Day Parade Printing Party: bandanas, penants, and signs will be made for the May Day parade @ BCL Civic Space, 411 Pelissier

May 1st @ 6:30PM (Drouillard Park)

May Day Bandana, Penant, and Sign Distro: after parade @ Drouillard Park

May 10th @ 7:00PM (CIVIC SPACE)

Uprisings: Images of Labour: exhibition opening @ BCL Civic Space, 411 Pelissier

May 17th @ 7:00PM (CIVIC SPACE)

Justseeds Closing Event, w/ DJ Mary Mack @ BCL Civic Space, 411 Pelissier

Photography for Goods: A Skills for Good(s) Event Hosted by Mike DiRisio


Photography for Goods: A Skills for Good(s) Event Hosted by Mike DiRisio

Friday, April 26th, 7pm @ CIVIC SPACE – 411 Pelissier Street, Windsor, Ontario

Photography for Goods, a Skills for Good(s) workshop hosted by University of Windsor MFA Candidate Mike DiRisio, will cover ways to light and shoot objects to white out the photograph’s background – methods similar to those used in product photography. However, we will be using very basic materials, like desk lamps and large sheets of paper, so that you can easily reproduce this at home. We’ll then do some basic edits using Adobe Photoshop software, to completely white out the background and make the photographs as sharp as possible!

Please bring a used object (preferably something no bigger than a microwave) to donate to the Common Goods freestore – we’ll be photographing these for the demo.

Please visit Common Goods to see examples of objects photographed this way, and to learn more about the project Common Goods.

1st/3rd Wednesday – Neighbourhood Spaces: Windsor & Region Artist in Residence (AIR) Program Information Session

e-flux image ns

1st/3rd Wednesdays – Neighbourhood Spaces: Windsor & Region Artist in Residence (AIR) Program Information Session

Wednesday, April 17th – 6:30-8pm @ Arts Council – Windsor & Region (1942 Wyandotte Street East)

All are invited to join Alana Bartol, Program Coordinator for Neighbourhood Spaces, Windsor-Essex County’s NEW Artist in Residence Program on Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30pm at the Arts Council – Windsor & Region, to learn more about this exciting new initiative.

Neighbourhood Spaces: Windsor & Region Artist in Residence (AIR) Program is a new AIR Program that will locate ten chosen Canadian artists in community sites throughout Windsor and Essex County for 4-6 week residencies. Supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the program is a partnership of “the Collaborative”: Arts Council Windsor & Region (ACWR), Broken City Lab (BCL) and The City of Windsor. Neighbourhood Spaces (NS) is now accepting applications from Canadian artists of all disciplines including visual, performing, literary, music, interdisciplinary and media arts.

Neighbourhood Spaces will allow artists to work in non-traditional spaces in non-traditional ways, embedding artists in community sites such as parks, nature reserves, libraries, health or community centres. These sites will provide a “home base” for each artist to work during their residency, creating a compelling injection of culture into the surrounding neighbourhood. Artists will engage with communities and organizations, animating, inspiring and exploring the specific stories, curiosities, challenges and triumphs of the local community.

Residencies will be 4-6 weeks, beginning in summer 2013 and will be staggered throughout the year, concluding in August 2014. A final exhibition and symposium will be held in the fall of 2014 and an online publication will be created documenting the program.

Who should attend?

Whether you are an artist that is interested in applying or a community site that is interested in participating, the event is free and open to anyone that is interested in learning more about Neighbourhood Spaces. All are welcome.

To learn more about Neighbourhood Spaces, visit: or

To RSVP, visit our Facebook event page and follow us on Twitter


Alana Bartol

Program Coordinator – Neighbourhood Spaces: Windsor & Region Artist in Residence Program

Nicole Lavelle & Sarah Baugh Discuss Their Plans at Civic Space

Late last week, two Portland artists–Nicole Lavelle & Sarah Baugh–arrived at CIVIC SPACE in a brown Volkswagen Westfalia camper van to spend a couple weeks exploring Windsor and eventually designing a Windsor Tour Guide publication. They took a few minutes yesterday evening to ask each other questions about what their collaborative project at CIVIC SPACE will entail.

Stay tuned for more announcements about their publication launch, happening April 18th at CIVIC SPACE.

Open Electronics Workshop Tonight: Introducing the Arduino


Photo by Zdjęcia Arkadiusz Sikorski on Flickr

Tonight at 7pm at Civic Space, our open Electronics Workshops continue with host Paul Anderson.

Tonight we are introducing and planning upcoming workshops with the Arduino, a popular single-board micro-controller used for a wide variety of tasks and projects.

It’s free and open to all skill levels. Come nerd it up with artists and electronically-minded thinkers and doers. No registration required!

Windsor is Forever: A Short Documentary

With Portland-based artist-in-residence, Jason Sturgill, we reframed his previous project, Art is Forever, as Windsor is Forever  – a community-driven art and tattoo project that gave Windsor residents an opportunity to make a permanent commitment to the city. Participants chose from a flash tattoo set created in collaboration with local artists and illustrators to receive as their free tattoos, which were offered free of charge by Dave Kant of Advanced Tattoo, and Jon Jimenez and Steve Jones of Flying Dagger Tattoo.

During the event, Andrew Frickey captured the tattoo artists at work and conducted interviews. The results were compiled into a short documentary which can be viewed above.

We’d like to thank everyone who came out for the sketch night and to everyone who helped make this project possible.

Tattoos by Dave Kant, Steve Jones & Jon Jimenez.

Short Film Directed and Edited by Andrew Frickey

Blog Party: A New Biweekly Get-together

block party!

Blog Party

We’re very excited to announce a new biweekly blogging night, Blog Party, starting Thursday, April 11th here at CIVIC SPACE! Blog Party aims to bring together local bloggers to discuss ideas, inspiration, and issues in the city and beyond, providing a time and space for writing, learning, and creating together, regardless of skill level.

Hosted by Sara and Josh, Blog Party is both an opportunity to learn and teach, and ultimately make great blogs. Blog Party works like a pot luck — you bring something you know how to do, and everyone else gets to sample it — together, we’ll learn how to blog better, faster, and smarter.

Upcoming Dates

June 6th & 20th

July 4th & 18th

August 1st, 15th, & 29th

@7pm, Civic Space – 411 Pelissier Street, Windsor

All Tomorrow’s Problems Meets All Tomorrow’s Preserves, An Evening to Jam on March 25th @ 7PM

All Tomorrow's Preserves

Introducing: All Tomorrow’s Preserves, a special version of All Tomorrow’s Problems happening this Monday, March 25th at 7pm! (CIVIC SPACE, 411 Pelissier)

We’re pleased to announce that tomorrow, March 25th at 7pmJen Delos Reyes is teaming up with All Tomorrow’s Problems and this time we’re making jam. This idea came out of an exercise included in her current exhibition up at CIVIC SPACE, The Social Practice Workbook, wherein the Fallen Fruit collective suggested jam-making as a practice for changing the way you see the world (and making new friends along the way).

The All Tomorrow’s Preserves jam theme of the evening is as follows:

It’s About Thyme! Strawberry Jam!

We’re starting with a simple but delicious natural-pectin strawberry jam, made with fresh thyme and your loving hands. This thyme it’s personal, so bring your friends and come jam with us and talk about the ideas whose time have come for the City of Windsor.

We have the ingredients covered, but if you’re attending, consider bringing along an apron or two! See you Monday, March 25th at 7pm!

All Tomorrow’s Problems (ATP), a weekly Design Night focused on creative and speculative problem solving. ATP focuses on collaborative, Windsor-focused problem solving and project making, informed by weekly discussion and design nights. We’re looking for collaborative critical thinkers, problem solvers, and action-takers with an eye on the future of this city.