I was going to keep this a secret endevour of my own, but I feel like this could be a million times better if I discussed it with you first! So, I’d like to take advantage of my first Note to describe to you a project I’ve been working on for the past month that I hope to finish and display very soon!
Whilst tumbling on the interwebs, I came across the image above (from Kind Over Matter) and thought about expanding that idea even further than just simple compliments.
Here is my first attempt at a poster I’d be putting up around places (mostly bus stops) to give those waiting an opportunity to read something entertaining or thought provoking.
I’m not set on the block of text just yet. That will most likely change.

A sampling of what would be on the detachable tabs. So far, there really isn’t a limit as to what can be included on these tabs. I’ve added some quotes, pictures, random facts and RECIPES!

I want any and all comments/suggestions from you all!