Neighbourhood Spaces Artists-in-Residence Announced, Lisa Lipton Starts this Week!

Aaron McKenzie Fraser - photographer -
The 2013 – 2014 Neighbourhood Spaces (NS) artists-in-residence have been announced! Residencies kick-off this week with Lisa Lipton (Halifax, NS) at Atkinson and Forest Glade Skate Parks in Windsor, ON with her project: BLAST BEATS: Phase Three.
BLAST BEATS: Phase Three is an exploration in alternative methodologies for building a feature film on the road that spans the scope of Lisa’s experiences as a visual artist, musician and director. Each scene is being constructed in different locations across North America and explores the potential within transforming multi- media installations and performance into film sets and scenes. The narrative evolves with each place and space, and is informed its local community members and conversations with participating collaborators. Through mixing landscapes, people, artistic practices and genres of music, the project aims to unite a vast linage of creative energy in order to create a diverse story and feature film that transcends time and space. For her 6-week NS residency, Lisa will facilitate the making of a“Windsor-based SCENE” at the Skate Parks of Windsor to be included in the larger docufictional film.

Check out the full 2013 – 2014 NS artist line-up at

Broken City Lab Publications Featured in “On the Road: Detroit”


The Art Book Review, a Los Angeles-based compendium of reviews about books relating to the subject of art, is including a selection of Broken City Lab publications as part of “On the Road: Detroit“, a collaboration with Creative Rights, a legal service for creative folks based in Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan.

They are including three mini publications: Shortcuts and other Practices: 10 Days in a Western City, Hamilton: Two Tales of a City, and Invented Emergency (for Small Cities & Big Towns). Also included is the hardcover publication How to Forget the Border Completely, which investigated the numerous ways one could approach the Windsor-Detroit border as a concept, an object, and an obstacle.