Commanding: Urban Signs


Commanding is a group of artists/educators/students at NYU who hope to create a dialogue about the changing environments in which they live.

They post signs based on simple computer commands that relate directly to the gentrification, development and hopefully preservation of the neighborhoods that we interact with everyday.

A really basic idea, but quite effective to comment and critique, again another quiet project.

[via Make]

Monitor your Plants

Computer Monitor Planter

I recently decided to make a useful form out of one of the free computer monitors left in the hallway of the University of Windsor’s Lebel building. The process was very brief and effortless and I would suggest that anyone who has a computer monitor (broken or intended to be discarded) try this out. The average monitor takes on an elegant form and can be painted to suit a specific motif. The heat release vents also work well to drain excess water from the soil. 

Although it’s great to recycle used electronics, this particular project wasted about 85% of the monitor’s material. Further brainstorming is needed to make this project more efficient.

Photos and explanations of the construction/deconstruction process below:

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