We’re almost halfway through the 1W3KND Writing Residencies and the pile of writing is growing! Here’s an update on the last four residents.
Mike DiRisio and Nathan Stevens collaborated through the weekend and left us with an awesome collection of notes, brainstorms, fun posters, and essays. Above: one of their posters.
Another great surprise: a series of back and fourth anonymous letters.
Please create responsibly.
Some more notes.
As the residency goes on, I’ve found that there’s something really interesting about coming in to work on Mondays and finding cues of an activated space from the weekend passed.
A more light-hearted piece: “8 Commonly-held Myths, Misconceptions, and Erroneous Ideas about Socially Engaged Creative Practice”.
Letters among collaborators.
More notes!
Before the holiday break, 1W3KND residents Jason Deary and Mary Tremonte spent the weekend collaborating on a set of essays.
The collection of work has been really great so far and we’re excited to see how the residency will progress.
This weekend Siobhan Rigg and Amber Ginsburg will be the writing residents. Can’t wait to see what they come up with!!