Day 4 at Eastern Edge

Yesterday, our walking tour adventure continued as we visited the last five stops on our list.

Rawlin’s Cross is known as St.John’s most confusion intersection. With traffic lights pointing in various angled directions, it’s no wonder people have made maps that specifically tell you how to navigate this crossing.

As we walked to our next stop, Josh noticed a sculpture of a little girl that seemed kind of bizarre to him, so he added the finishing touches to the piece. He calls it “Girl Texting” cast in bronze.

Bannerman Park appears on the Identity Collection as one of the biggest gathering spots in the city. If there isn’t a folk festival happening here, there’s some other type of festival or party brewing.  

In Bannerman Park is the Colonial Building. People see this building as one of the most important historic sites in St.John’s.

As we continued our walk, we stumbled across another street with a row of Jelly Bean houses. This road caught our attention particularly for the colour choices…we temporarily named it Broken City Lab Lane.

Speaking of Jelly Bean houses, the Battery was our second last stop on our tour and it is also the original spot for this style of housing. It stands as the true cultural roots for any Newfoundlander. Also, the view is beautiful.

The view.

Last stop is the infamous Signal hill.

Josh installs the last title card.

The best place to see the city aerial style.

Back at the home base, a video was put together compiling our adventure. We brought this video down to Eastern Edge and had it playing during the Art’s Marathon.

While that was happening, Josh headed over to Staples to pick up our Walking Tour pamphlets.

The map.

Installing our tent at the AM fest.

The pamphlets were laid out for festival dwellers to take.

The video loops.

By the end of the night, more than half of the pamphlets were gone.

Around the gallery, over 75 artists came to participate in the AM festival in various ways. Above, the Eastern Edge wall is taken over by graffiti artists.

The festival ran for 24 hours straight and was a really fun to be a part of. We want to send our biggest thank yous out to Eastern Edge for including us in the festival.

Dynamite Wildflower Guerillas

Guerilla gardener(s) started a website documenting their efforts. It’s simple and makes me very ready to embrace the impending summer.

They write:

throw sseeds some of them take some dont take some grow then somebody cut it down the bastards. why would someone cut it down i dont know.

if it rains too much the seds get washed away.

we went to the sign twice because we thought seeds didnt take but when we got there we found that some grew.  I was surprised and excited to see the plants there

At night I put seeds in an icetray & make ice cubes with sseeds in it.  In the morning I throw the icecubes out the window while im driving

when i see dirt.

They’ve kept a lovely map, noting when and where their plants are blooming.

Here’s to a very nature-filled summer.

BCL Report: End of April, 2011 (the Art of Planning & Collaboration)

Over three days this week, we got a lot done. And, as I write this, stuff is still getting done. This is why collaboration is such a valuable model for art practice.

But, it’s not just about getting stuff done, it’s the challenges, the insights, the novel perspectives that can be brought up around a table that push the work forward. With some of us having worked together for nearly three years, we can anticipate one another and move ideas and projects that much further along because there’s a context, there’s a history, there’s a resonating understanding of what we can do together.

Collaboration FTW.

Continue reading “BCL Report: End of April, 2011 (the Art of Planning & Collaboration)”

I made an iPhone App and so can you !!!


For one of my last projects with Sigi Torinus as part of my BFA degree I made an iphone App.

I was able to speed up a usually lengthy process by skipping over the coding portion of creating the app. This was made possible by using Buzztouch, a web-based content management software (CMS) out of Montery California that helps build iPhone and Android apps. Buzztouch provides tools that allow people to create mobile apps and provides a back-end database to support those apps over the long-term. They do both of these things for free, for anyone. The source-code that app owners download for each of their applications is released under an open-source license.

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BCL Report: March 11, 2011 (Maps & Letters)

Once again, we gathered at Lebel for another fun Friday full of brainstorming and map making. This particular Friday we met with Mel, a jewelry designer with his BFA from Yugoslavia, to discuss the best design for the CAFKA letters.

We are currently deciding whether it would be best to stick with our original plan to build the letters out of plywood, or try a new approach with Styrofoam and stucco.

Continue reading “BCL Report: March 11, 2011 (Maps & Letters)”

BCL Report: Feb 18, 2011 (Maps & Portals)

Around the maps, we’re beginning to imagine two cities collapsing into one.

As part of How to Forget the Border Completely, we’re doing and planning all sorts of things — border portals, border etiquette classes, new maps, new tourism guides, interviews, stories, and imaginary architecture.

Michelle and our dear friend, Lee Rodney, spoke about HFBC and the Border Bookmobile on Friday on CJAM‘s The Shakeup. You can listen to it here. It’s a lot of fun so far, and we’re just getting started!!!

Continue reading “BCL Report: Feb 18, 2011 (Maps & Portals)”