Josh Dickinson’s Medical Trials

While not every art school graduate has a hard time finding a way to pay the bills, some graduates find financial refuge far outside the realm of art.

Josh Dickinson is one such person. He “has participated in almost 100 medical experiments in order to pay his rent. He’s been wired up with electrodes, stuck with needles, interrogated, subjected to pain and intentionally suffocated. In any other context, some of it might be considered torture. For him, it’s turned into an art project.”

He initially had no intention of documenting his experiences, but after about a year of strange tests and odd scenarios, he decided to capture what made up a large part of his life.

“Finding answers is entertaining to me,” says Dickinson. “I like the process. And if an audience can learn a little something while being entertained, it’s worth it.”


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The Detroit Medical Art Project


Installed by medical students from Wayne State University at Detroit’s Heidelberg Project, The Detroit Medical Art Project seeks to highlight the lack of healthcare for many of Detroit’s residents.

Asking questions like, “How do you take care of your patients when the community is falling apart all around you?”, the students created the project from scavenged materials and donated equipment to depict a medical clinic that is so desperately needed in the area.

There’s a video in the Detroit Free Press article that features some quick, but good, interviews with the medical students who created the project, and shows some of the installation process. It’s interesting to know that type of discussion goes on in the classroom for medical training, and quite inspiring to see the kind of dialogue being generated through an installation.

[via Wooster Collective & Detroit Free Press]