Photography for Goods: A Skills for Good(s) Sharing Session


Last Friday, Mike DiRisio, University of Windsor MFA candidate and artist behind the pop-up free store project Common Goods, stopped by to run a workshop on the art of the perfect object photograph. He started with a handful of found objects and led us through the process of studio setup, photography, and editing. All of this was informed by the photographic work he did to showcase the objects donated to Common Goods.


Mike did a demonstration of objects that would be easy and difficult to retouch using his method in Photoshop. Because of the contrast between the radio and his white paper background, this example was the easiest.

Common Goods is a project that creates a forum for the free exchange and circulation of used goods – everything from books to sofas to ceramic owls. All items that come through the Common Goods pop-up free stores cease to be owned, however, and are redesignated as common property (meaning not the possession of a single individual).

The drop off location is in the Lebel Building at the University of Windsor (click here for map and instructions).

You can also email Mike to arrange a pick-up time.