You Need to Help Plan Windsor’s Cultural Future on Thursday Night


This is important. If you care at all about what culture in Windsor will look like for the foreseeable future, you need to show up on Thursday night to what likely is going to be one of the last opportunities to voice some input for the City of Windsor’s Cultural Master Plan. It’s this plan that’s going to determine what can and cannot happen at many, many levels across the cultural sector in Windsor for years to come.

The City of Windsor and TCI Management Consultants are hosting an open house for the community on Thursday, October 29, 2009 between 5-9 pm at Mackenzie Hall Cultural Centre located at 3277 Sandwich Street. A short presentation about the master plan will be made at 7 pm. The City is gathering public input to help set a direction for the future of the community’s cultural resources. Everyone is invited to attend this free event.

For slightly more information, you can check out the City of Windsor’s Newsroom.

And the details one more time: (this) Thursday, October 29, 2009 – Mackenzie Hall, 5-9pm.

P.S. That’s the interior of one of Windsor’s “cultural assets,” the Capitol Theatre.

Being Productive Again: Day 3

plastic bag planter

Another great day in 406 Pelissier. We got lots of brainstorming done and continued our planning and work with plastic bag recycling projects.

It’s been a fantastic three days, and being able to work in such a concentrated way in just one week has been really helpful in pushing forward on some new ideas. We came up with a good plan for some “must do” things over the next few months, more details soon!

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